The Irish Artist-Led Archive
The 'Irish Artist-led Archive - Sustainable Activism and the Embrace of Flux' is a curated archival project and touring exhibition that seeks to publicly present the rich history of Irish artist-led cultural Initiatives that have taken place over the past 30 years. The project forms an on-going investigation into artist-led initiatives in Ireland and aims to decipher the kind of cultural conditions that led to their birth, their economic independence (or lack of), their organizational structures and how all of these factors effected their activities and life spans. The Archive is a project that was concieved and developed by Megs Morley, a practicing artist and curator based in the West of Ireland in 2006 in response to both a practial and conceptual enquiry into artist-led culture in Ireland. The project has been designed to continue to grow in a state of development and re-evaluation throughout 2007 and 2008. Through the process of diaogue with artist-led initiatives, their founders and current directors the project attempts to initiate debate and critical thinking into the sometimes contested 'histories' of these of organisations. In creating platforms and situations for these conversations to occur, the Artist led archive is attempting to add to the development of artist-led culture in Ireland by acknowleging past initiatives work and exposing the roots of some of our oldest cutlural vehicles thereby creating a resource tool and context for future initiatives. Projector Collective contributed material to the archive based on their recent projects. Megs Morely invited Projector Collective to make new works for the The Archive at The Galway Arts Centre (& Catalyst Arts Centre) and The LAB, Foley Street, Dublin.
The Presidents Table
The Artist-Led Archive |
The Presidents Palindrome
The Artist-Led Archive |